Conndence Estimates of Classiication Accuracy on New Examples Produced as Part of the Esprit Working Group in Neural and Computational Learning, Neurocolt 8556
Following recent results 5] showing the importance of the fat shattering dimension in explaining the beneecial eeect of a large margin on generalization performance, the current paper investigates how the margin on a test example can be used to give greater certainty of correct classii-cation in the distribution independent model. The results show that even if the classiier does not classify all of the training examples correctly, the fact that a new example has a larger margin than that on the misclassiied examples, can be used to give very good estimates for the generalization performance in terms of the fat shattering dimension measured at a scale proportional to the excess margin. The estimate relies on a suuciently large number of the correctly classiied training examples having a margin roughly equal to that used to estimate generalization, indicating that the corresponding output values need to bèwell sampled'.
منابع مشابه
Perspectives of Current Research about the Complexity of Learning on Neural Nets Produced as Part of the Esprit Working Group in Neural and Computational Learning, Neurocolt 8556
متن کامل
Computing the Maximum Bichromatic Discrepancy, with Applications to Computer Graphics and Machine Learning Produced as Part of the Esprit Working Group in Neural and Computational Learning, Neurocolt 8556
Computing the maximum bichromatic discrepancy is an interesting theoretical problem with important applications in computational learning theory, computational geometry and computer graphics. In this paper we give algorithms to compute the maximum bichromatic discrepancy for simple geometric ranges, including rectangles and halfspaces. In addition, we give extensions to other discrepancy problems.
متن کاملDecision Trees Have Approximate Fingerprints Produced as Part of the Esprit Working Group in Neural and Computational Learning, Neurocolt 8556
We prove that decision trees exhibit the \approximate ngerprint" property, and therefore are not polynomially learnable using only equivalence queries. A slight modiication of the proof extends this result to several other representation classes of boolean concepts which have been studied in computational learning theory.
متن کاملProbabilistic Analysis of Learning in Artiicial Neural Networks: the Pac Model and Its Variants Produced as Part of the Esprit Working Group in Neural and Computational Learning, Neurocolt 8556
1 1 A version of this is to appear as a chapter in The Computational and Learning Complexity of Neural Networks (ed. Ian Parberry), MIT Press. 2 Abstract There are a number of mathematical approaches to the study of learning and generalization in artiicial neural networks. Here we survey thèprobably approximately correct' (PAC) model of learning and some of its variants. These models, much-stud...
متن کاملNeural Networks with Quadratic Vc Dimension Produced as Part of the Esprit Working Group in Neural and Computational Learning, Neurocolt 8556 Submitted to Workshop on Neural Information Processing, Nips'95
This paper shows that neural networks which use continuous activation functions have VC dimension at least as large as the square of the number of weights w. This result settles a long-standing open question, namely whether the well-known O(w log w) bound, known for hard-threshold nets, also held for more general sigmoidal nets. Implications for the number of samples needed for valid generaliza...
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